Matt NoCode and the team at Route262 main focus is to help and coach their clients deliver their Airtable projects and streamline their operations to improve efficiency.

However about 5-10% of our efforts are working on internal side projects/labs to help our team grow, learn and innovate… and ultimately be on top of our game so that we can better serve our clients.

Some of our current active experiments for 2023 include:

Airtable - AI Prompt Builder Tool - For ChatGPT

The Airtable AI Prompt Builder is a quick and easy tool that tailors prompts for unique and engaging social media posts, saves time, and increases efficiency. Users can reuse content and generate new summaries, headlines, and captions. The tool is user-friendly, accessible, and ideal for enhancing social media presence.

Leveraging the power of Airtable Interfaces

Airtable Interface for my AI Prompt Builder

Interactive Interface to build effective prompts

Builder main sections

Query OpenAI via the API - All integrated in your Airtable Workflows

Airtable Interface for my AI Prompt Builder

Twitter Assitant in Airtable

Keeping your Twitter user in your CRM, and semi-automated some of the key DM Builder main sections

Semi automate and TRACK all the direct messaging to your contacts Builder main sections